Tuesday, May 17, 2005


HEY!!!l....went out to orchard yesterday....window shopping wif *ehem*.... Didn't do that much...just walk around....We went in KINOKUNIYA bookstore, and was facinated by the "Star Wars" technology... Then, as we walk towards the road, there were a group of traffic police trying to stop the cars...We saw a few Mercedes passed-by us...i think they were some sort of VIPs...the Mercedes went in towards the hotel lobby...

The day b4 yesterday, me and my sis went to Youth Leadership Seminar (YSL) organised by SAFF-Perdaus. It was superb, man! U guyz should go there....niwae, i had great experience and memories there....Hehehe.....Don't be jealous, k?

So, for now....my organisation(Fityan Ghufran) have to plan for our next journey....towards our goal.....which is ASAP(Anti-Smoking Awareness Programme). We'll be going to one school to the other to gather these youths and pass the message of the dangers of smoking...at the same time, we're guiding them, if they were take it up but wants to quit...so we're like the counsellors....at the same time, we'll be befriending them...

Niwae, i have to do some research now....


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